Arturo Blas
2005-09-14 16:14:01 UTC
Hi, I'm new in the mailing list, and first of all I want to
congratulate you for the great job you are doing.
I've recently finished my degree in Computering Engenieering so I want
to make my final proyect improving an existent raytracing engine.
I'm interested about aplying new algorithmic features to yafray as can
be kd-trees or angular Z-Buffer to improve the time YafRay calculates
te rendered image but I dont know what of that features have been
implemented at the moment. I'll bevery grateful if anyone post the
improvements that YafRay have over the basic rayTracing algorithm.
congratulate you for the great job you are doing.
I've recently finished my degree in Computering Engenieering so I want
to make my final proyect improving an existent raytracing engine.
I'm interested about aplying new algorithmic features to yafray as can
be kd-trees or angular Z-Buffer to improve the time YafRay calculates
te rendered image but I dont know what of that features have been
implemented at the moment. I'll bevery grateful if anyone post the
improvements that YafRay have over the basic rayTracing algorithm.