[Yafray-devel] Hello!
Alessandro [AkiRoss] Re
2005-07-03 21:56:47 UTC
I'm new in this list, i present myself
I'm Alessandro aka AkiRoss. Actually i study computer science in Milan
(Italy) @ university of Milano Bicocca (www.unimib.it).

I'm interested in computer graphics, 2D gimp, 3D blender and yafray, and
i like also programming graphics using OpenGL (but i'm not so good in
this), i know languages like C and C++, php, a little of python and
other laguages.

I use Linux and MacOSX (but prefer linux ;)

And finally i joined this mailing list to learn something about yafray,
raytracer and eventually to help coding.

See ya!
Luis Fernando Ruiz Gago
2005-07-03 22:46:06 UTC
Hi Alessandro and welcome to the list.

To be fair I must advice to you that there isn't too much activity on
this list. You can read list archives here:


Anyway, sometimes people start a discussion and all of us learn new
things. For a more active information about YafRay I recommend to you
YafRay's forums:


2005-07-04 10:19:10 UTC
Hi Alessandro,

Maybe we could do something together :D
As I'm also interested in programming for yafray.
I too am a C(++) programmer and know a bit of openGL but I too don't really
know where to start.
I too do some professional photoshop/website stuff but don't know whether
this helps me for yafray stuff :)

Grtz Mein
Post by Luis Fernando Ruiz Gago
Hi Alessandro and welcome to the list.
To be fair I must advice to you that there isn't too much activity on
Anyway, sometimes people start a discussion and all of us learn new
things. For a more active information about YafRay I recommend to you
Yafray-devel mailing list
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